Adventure Beyond the Edge


The views from the summit of Mt Buller are nothing short of spectacular! The surrounding mountains, valleys and lakes make an incredible panorama and for those who venture up there for the sunset (which there are many), the reward is a palette of colours that just can’t be seen elsewhere.

Equally as impressive are the views of Mt Buller from the road as you drive towards it. The steep and foreboding cliffs of the intimidating West Face tower above the valley floor, giving that sense of a proper alpine mountain – especially if there is still snow around.

Have you ever imagined then, what’s … ‘beyond the edge’? Imagine being able to explore and scale those cliffs as a complete novice and in complete safety. This is what RockWire Via Ferrata—Mt Buller offers. A chance to explore, connect, learn and challenge oneself in an awe-inspiring venue, previously inaccessible to the average person.

Come join us in an experience like no other on Australia’a first and only Via Ferrata at Mt Buller, in Victoria’s High Country.

Mission Statement

Creating life-changing connections to nature and the environment, through low-footprint, high-impact adventure activities that are as safe and secure as they are spectacular and awe-inspiring.

James Webb

Founder of RockWire

“The most important lessons we learn in life come from those experiences we have come face-to-face with and conquered. Being there, seeing, feeling, smelling and listening, creates memories, stirs passions and helps develop an innate connection that can never be taken away or forgotten. Nowhere is this truer than when faced with the unique challenges of an adventure activity within a beautiful outdoor natural environment. Two decades of bringing students to the outdoors as an Outdoor & Environmental Teacher taught me how ‘life-changing’ an experience in the outdoors can be to someone. The connections created with nature, and the desire to learn, protect and preserve were innate and did not come from a screen or book within a classroom.

This is the reason why I wanted to bring Via Ferrata to Australia, and why I created RockWire. To bring this type of experience, connection and learning to everyone. The outdoors and the natural environments I have been privileged to play in my whole life, is something I love and feel so connected to, and to share and give these types of experiences to others is my goal.

RockWire is more than a climb; it is an invitation to go beyond the edge, to stretch your limits, to reconnect with nature and discover yourself, all amidst the splendour of Mt Buller.”